Connect static ip with freeradius (ip -> address)
One Zero Art
2018-10-27 15:56:00 UTC

I'm new to freeradius and Mikrotik. I need some help to connect
Mikrotik static ip users to freeradius.

I have set static IP users on Mikrotik by going ip -> address then add IP
address there also I setup same IP address on pc.

I am trying to set radius for these users but I am not sure which service
to check.
Is it DHCP or login or IPsec.

Can you please help me.
Did I miss something?

Thank you
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Uchenna Nebedum
2018-10-27 17:36:59 UTC
You'll need to set it up through Hotspot service or PPP in mikrotik

Uchenna Nebedum
Post by One Zero Art
I'm new to freeradius and Mikrotik. I need some help to connect
Mikrotik static ip users to freeradius.
I have set static IP users on Mikrotik by going ip -> address then add IP
address there also I setup same IP address on pc.
I am trying to set radius for these users but I am not sure which service
to check.
Is it DHCP or login or IPsec.
Can you please help me.
Did I miss something?
Thank you
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List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradi
One Zero Art
2018-10-27 18:03:28 UTC

Thank for responding. I have setup PPP and insert user in radcheck table
then I tried to login in pc with radchcek user but its not working and no
data inserting in radpostauth table.

Do I need to create user under PPP. Did I miss something?

Thank you
Post by Uchenna Nebedum
You'll need to set it up through Hotspot service or PPP in mikrotik
Uchenna Nebedum
Post by One Zero Art
I'm new to freeradius and Mikrotik. I need some help to connect
Mikrotik static ip users to freeradius.
I have set static IP users on Mikrotik by going ip -> address then add IP
address there also I setup same IP address on pc.
I am trying to set radius for these users but I am not sure which service
to check.
Is it DHCP or login or IPsec.
Can you please help me.
Did I miss something?
Thank you
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Uchenna Nebedum
2018-10-27 18:10:41 UTC
If you pointed PPP to use radius, look for RADIUS menu in mikrotik and
setup server ip and shared secret

Uchenna Nebedum
Post by One Zero Art
Thank for responding. I have setup PPP and insert user in radcheck table
then I tried to login in pc with radchcek user but its not working and no
data inserting in radpostauth table.
Do I need to create user under PPP. Did I miss something?
Thank you
Post by Uchenna Nebedum
You'll need to set it up through Hotspot service or PPP in mikrotik
Uchenna Nebedum
Post by One Zero Art
I'm new to freeradius and Mikrotik. I need some help to connect
Mikrotik static ip users to freeradius.
I have set static IP users on Mikrotik by going ip -> address then add
Post by Uchenna Nebedum
Post by One Zero Art
address there also I setup same IP address on pc.
I am trying to set radius for these users but I am not sure which
Post by Uchenna Nebedum
Post by One Zero Art
to check.
Is it DHCP or login or IPsec.
Can you please help me.
Did I miss something?
Thank you
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List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/u